Clergy Notes – June 24, 2022

Dear Truro Family,

Truro has been facing significant challenges: a loss of members (something shared by almost all churches in this post-COVID season), financial shortfall, significant building projects that cannot be postponed any longer, preparing for a new rector. But these challenges should not blind us to distract us from the many signs of God’s presence and activity in our midst. A few examples:

  • Each week, many of you have remark on how joyful our worship is; you experience a deep sense God’s presence. 
  • Several families have increased their pledges after hearing about our financial challenges
  • A number of you have commented that they are very glad that they have stayed through Truro’s “difficult season.” You have noticed a fresh sense of God’s work in our midst.
  • One family, who has been attending Truro for a few weeks said: “we were immediately struck by the authenticity we experienced on our first Sunday. This was something we were really looking for as we visited churches.”
  • Lots of you have said “Truro’s best days are ahead of us.” 

I share your sense of God’s presence and activity. How thrilling it will be to see what unfolds in the months and years to come, as we continue to seek and worship our Lord Jesus. Will you join me in praying to Him “that Your will be done” here at Truro? Here are a few ways you can pray:

  • Pray for Truro’s vestry, as they meet tomorrow for a vestry retreat and as they seek God’s will for wise stewardship of our resources
  • Pray for our finances, especially as we face significant facility expenses
  • Pray for your clergy and staff, especially as they recruit and train volunteers
  • Pray for our new communications director, Elizabeth Olney, as she works with the staff to better connect us
  • Pray that God’s Spirit will anoint us all with His love

With gratitude to God,