Clergy Notes – June 23rd, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

It was wonderful to see so many of you at our community night on Tuesday, and I heard great things about our women’s gathering on Thursday night. It’s good to be a part of the body of Christ!

Some miscellaneous updates for you:

1. We’ve begun second-round interviews with several candidates for the Director of Family Ministries position. Please continue to pray for this process, and for our ministry to the next generation, and about your possible role in it!

2. Thanks to your generous giving, we continue to address multiple campus improvement projects. In the last two weeks, several areas of “flat roof” have been resurfaced, work has begun on repairing the Gunnell House chimney, and our parking lot has begun to be repainted.

3. Speaking of the parking lot, you may have noticed that it’s filling up on Sundays. If you need an offsite (but close) place to park, consider the old/empty Bank of America parking lot, across North Street from Truro. Perhaps a few of you wouldn’t mind parking there to free up space for our visitors.

4. Last week I shared the news that Truro’s long-time drummer Joe Connell has retired after 30 years! Thanks to all of you who wrote notes to him. If you didn’t get a chance to do that, we’ll have a table set up on the brick patio again this week with blank cards for you to write on.

5. Ever since we began livestreaming our services, we’ve sent out a Sunday morning email with the YouTube link. After this Sunday, we’re going to stop sending that email. You can always find the link in the Friday Truro News, or you can bookmark the address of our YouTube channel:

6. Thank you for your continued support for our church plant: Trinity Burke! A little over two months from now, we’ll be sending the Seawrights and their launch team out on mission. Keep praying!

God is doing such exciting things in our life together, and it’s a joy to be a part of it. See you all this Sunday!


P.S.  Are you new to Truro? Please join Catherine and me for our upcoming Newcomers Lunch on July 16 after the 10 AM service. RSVP below.