Clergy Notes – June 21st, 2024

Dear Truro family,

Today we’re closing out a wonderful week of Vacation Bible School. I’m grateful for all the people who helped make it happen, not only over the last several weeks, but in many cases over the last several months! Thank you to all of the Truro staff, specifically the family ministries team: Preston Hansen, Anne Bronaugh, and Maggie Marcum. 

Thanks also to a wonderful team of adult and teenage helpers who gave up their time to help disciple the next generation: 

Abbey and Jon Avila; Ashley Baehr; Sylvia Belizario; Kausar Begum; Laura Brazier; Brad Brewster; Tim, Mac, and Sydney Bronaugh, Annabella and Scarlett Brown; Catherine, Megan, and Emma Brown; Jesse Brown; Julie Brown; Patti Brown; Adelaide Dalgleish; Andrew Foos; Ellen, Abby, and Julia Gross; Rachel Hansen; Tom Heitman; Josh and Julia Ho; Ira Houck; Amanda Isaac; Mary Kim; Elizabeth and Cora Kincheloe; Brittney Mason; David and Constance Maxwell; Doris MacDonald; Becky Oravetz; Tara Rohlfing; Anahita Renner; Lizzie Silver; Judy, Buddy, and Riley Szabo; Dinah Steele; Karla Tirre; Jennifer and Julianna Tricarico; Ellie Waldron; Genna Walnut; Bonnie Wessley; and Jane Zaldivar.

Finally, thanks to the Truro congregation for your partnership in the gospel through your giving, love, and prayers. Praise God for what he’s doing in and through this church!
