Clergy Notes – July 26th, 2024

Dear Truro family,

Exactly six months ago, I wrote to you about how we should proceed as a church in an election year. Seeing as how this is shaping up to be a truly historic election year, with the attempted assassination of one candidate, and the withdrawal of another candidate (our sitting President!), it would be quite an understatement to say that emotions and tensions are running high.

I don’t think I can say it any more succinctly than I did in January. This is my brotherly and pastoral admonition to you, Truro: As believers: we have one Lord, Jesus Christ (Phil. 2:9). We worship no other name, no other party, and no other power (Acts 4:12). We are members of the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:12), heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:17), one with Christ (Gal. 3:28), brothers and sisters in Christ (Matt. 12:50), and held together in Christ (Col. 1:17). Jesus is our peace (Eph. 2:14), preached peace (Eph. 2:17), and made peace (Col. 1:20). 

Whatever year it is, whoever the president is, however the election plays out, and whatever opinions you might have about it all, we have one Lord, one gospel, and one King. My commitment – and my expectation, whether it’s in the pulpit, the pews, or the parking lot – is that as a church, we will celebrate and proclaim the name of Jesus and Jesus alone.

“…and he shall reign forever and ever.” (Rev. 11:15)
