Clergy Notes – January 7, 2022

Dear Truro Family,

On May 26th, 2007, I stood before my pastor, family, and friends and promised to love and serve my wife, Jenny, “until death do us part.”

I suppose we could have gone to the courthouse, but there is something about making public commitments in the context of corporate worship and in the presence of community that seemed important to us then, and continues to be important to us now. After all – the promises we made are life-changing, and they impact more than just us!

Similarly, it is good for Christians to make public commitments to the way of Jesus, committing to following Him in the context of corporate worship and in the presence of community.  We do this in baptism, and we do it each week when we come to the Lord’s Table together.

As an Anglican church, we also make public declarations of faith when our Bishop visits, and in return he prays for us.  For some, this means “confirming” the promises made on our behalf when we were baptized as infants. For others, it might mean being “received” – you were “confirmed” in another church, but now you have made Truro your church home. For still others, you might “reaffirm” your faith, affirming the public commitment you made in another church.  Either way, it’s a public commitment to Jesus, and an acknowledgement that in this season, you have made Truro your church home.

This year, we’re encouraging everyone who considers Truro their spiritual home and hasn’t made that public declaration of faith in confirmation to consider doing so. Not because it’s necessary to participate in our life together (it’s not), but because it’s good to make public commitments and it’s good to be prayed for!

The process at Truro isn’t overly complicated:

  • Fill out this form.
  • If you haven’t done so before, attend Anglican Essentials (register here). If you can’t make it, email me.
  • From there, you’ll get an email from me outlining the remaining steps:
    • Meet with a priest – we would love to get to know you better, and answer any questions you might have about confirmation, Truro, or anything else.
    • Write a brief spiritual autobiography.

If you’re interested in reading a bit more about confirmation in the Anglican tradition, here’s a link to our diocesan page. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to email me ( or the rest of the clergy here at Truro (

Your partner in Christ,
