Clergy Notes – January 5th, 2024

Dear Truro family,

One week ago today, I wrote to ask for your prayerful end-of-year giving, and you responded by giving $137,000 to the Lord. Because of you, we are thrilled to finish 2023 basically right-on-target. And we enter into a new year on solid financial footing. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! And praise God for each one who gave, for your partnership in the gospel. Your sacrificial giving supports and enables the vibrant mission and ministries of this church, and on behalf of the clergy, staff, and vestry: thank you!

I can’t wait to see what God has in store for Truro in the months and years to come. Pray with me that God continues to pour his Holy Spirit upon us as we walk forward into his vision for us as a church.

Your brother,
