Clergy Notes – January 3rd, 2025

Dear Truro family,

With a new year comes new pressure to make new improvements, changes, or resolutions in our lives. Stop doing this. Start doing that. Lose this. Become that. And on and on it goes. Until mid-February when things are basically the same way they’ve always been. There’s certainly nothing wrong or unbiblical about taking regular inventory of our lives and asking where changes need to be made. I think of Psalm 139:23-24 where David prays: “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” That’s a good prayer for every day, not just New Year’s Day. 

But for the believer, we don’t look in the mirror asking what WE have to make new in (and by) ourselves. The good news of the gospel declares the work of Christ in us! HE is making us new. By the regenerating, renewing, reviving, resurrecting power of the Holy Spirit who indwells us, we are actively being made new in Christ. So put away all that pressure to make yourself new. Instead, surrender afresh to the work of Jesus in your life, as the Holy Spirit leads you more and more in the way everlasting.

Your brother,


The Truro campus (including our Preschool and Kindergarten) will be closed on Monday, January 6.

Questions? Email [email protected].