Clergy Notes – January 27th, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

One of the encouraging things I continue to hear at our monthly newcomers’ lunches is that Truro “feels like home,” or “feels like a family,” when people join us here on Sundays. I praise God for his tangible presence in our midst, and for how you all make such a priority of reaching out and welcoming one another. Don’t underestimate how much God can use one little thing at a time, like your welcoming smile, or thoughtful question, or offer to pray for someone, as a profound gift to someone who needs it.

This Sunday at our 10 AM service, the choir will sing these words, inspired by Psalm 133:

“Oh, how good it is when the family of God
Dwells together in spirit, in faith, and unity
Where the bonds of peace, of acceptance, and love
Are the fruit of his presence here among us”

Northern Virginia can be a place marked by busyness, traffic, early mornings, late nights, pressure, isolation, and more busyness. In contrast, the church can be a place marked by unity, peace, acceptance, and love. All of that is a fruit of God’s presence among his people. Let’s continue to pray for that sense of “home” here at Truro and do our part to be used by God to make this church feel more and more like a family, one little thing at a time.

Your brother in Christ,
