Clergy Notes – January 19th, 2024

Dear Truro family,

The expression “the family that eats together stays together” isn’t only true for the nuclear family, it’s true for the spiritual family too. A church family that eats together gets to know one another, learn names, share joys and struggles, and share a table with people from different generations and different nations. A good old-fashioned meal can go a long way towards helping people – even in Northern Virginia – take baby steps to connecting. And even better than connecting, to belonging. Over the next few months, you’ll notice a common theme here at Truro: an invitation to a meal around a common table. These aren’t merely invitations to attend a church supper. These are invitations to belong to a church family. “Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” (1 Cor. 12:27)

Your brother,