Clergy Notes – February 3rd, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

A few mornings ago, we were all greeted by a surprising sight: snow! While we slept, a whopping .4 inches fell. The Washington Post jokingly referred to it as “Dustzilla 2023.” Just enough to make it look like winter, barely enough to register on the scale, and not enough to last through the day. The snow that greeted us when we woke up was gone by the time we ate lunch.

There’s something else that greets us all every morning: God’s love and mercy. But unlike the pitiful amount of a dusting of snow that we received on Wednesday, God showers his goodness upon us like a never-ending blizzard that covers all the bushes, overwhelms our little shovels, and shatters all of the records. The writer of Lamentations says it this way: “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lam. 3:22-23)

Be reminded, my brothers and sisters, of this wonderful truth: God is greeting you today, and every day, with his unceasing love and mercies. This is no little dusting. This is amazing grace!

See you this Sunday!

Your brother in Christ,


PS: Catherine and I would love to see you next Sunday, February 12 at our Newcomer’s Lunch, right after the 10 AM service. This is for anyone who’s still getting connected into the life of our church, or who wants to explore more about Truro. Please RSVP below so we can plan accordingly. Children are welcome!