Clergy Notes – February 18, 2022

Dear Truro Family,

We were so blessed to welcome Bishop John to Truro last week. Twenty-three people of all ages received the laying on of hands – either they confirmed the baptismal promises made for them as infants, were welcomed from another Christian denomination, or reaffirmed their baptismal vows. 

In his sermon, Bishop John described the church in Antioch, founded by Jewish Christians who fled Jerusalem in a time of persecution. “Isn’t it fascinating how the Lord uses hardship and adversity for his good purposes?” he said. “How often the Lord will use a crisis to get us refocused, reoriented, back in line with his priorities!”  

Then he described the hallmarks of the Church in Antioch, offering words of encouragement and challenge to us, here at Truro. 

  • They shared the Gospel passionately.
  • They discipled people to maturity in Christ.
  • They gave generously within the church and beyond it.
  • They reached all sorts of people—people like them and people who were very different.
  • They worshiped the Lord with all their hearts and delighted in his presence.
  • They were open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit and obeyed the Holy Spirit promptly.
  • They were sent on mission and they changed the world.
  • They trusted and followed their leaders.

As our bishop described this exuberant, multi-cultural, generous and worshiping church, I had a deep sense that God was calling us to be like them. And whenever God calls us, he is eager to give us guidance and gifts and strength. I’m praying that God will send a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit, equipping us to reach out with arms of love to our needy world.

Bishop John finished his sermon with this exhortation: “Keep on lifting up Jesus Christ and share the good news of his salvation with a world that needs him so much. Amen.” May we say “yes” to this challenge in the days and weeks to come.

In Christ,