Clergy Notes – February 16th, 2024

Dear Truro family,

On Sunday, March 10, Bishop Warner will be with us. On the occasion of his yearly visit, our members are invited to make a public and personal profession of faith and to receive the laying on of hands by the bishop in one of these three Anglican expressions:

Confirmation: For those who were baptized as children and who desire to now make a public profession of adult belief, receiving a prayer for the infilling of the Holy Spirit. 

Reception: For those who have made adult professions of faith (and have been baptized) in other Christian traditions, and who wish to be received into the Anglican Church.

Reaffirmation: For those who were confirmed and baptized, either in the Anglican Church or another Christian tradition, and have experienced a renewal of faith after a period of lapsing or a major life transition.

If you’d like to participate in one of these expressions and to be publicly prayed over by Bishop Warner on Sunday, March 10, please plan on attending our Truro Membership Lunch on Sunday, February 25 if you didn’t make the last one. You can sign up here!
