Clergy Notes – February 11, 2022

Dear Truro Family,

The next few weeks are full of Sunday morning excitement, from confirmations to guest preachers, holy days to celebrations.  Here’s what we’re looking forward to:

  • This Sunday, Feb. 13th, we’ll be joined by our bishop, Bishop John Guernsey.  He’ll preach at all three services, and we’ll celebrate the 30 or so adults and teenagers who will publicly confirm or reaffirm their faith and be received into the church at 9am and 11:15am.
  • On Sunday, Feb. 20th we’ll celebrate World Mission Sunday.  Our missions team is planning this special Sunday focusing on the mission of God to the nations.  The Rev. Whis Hays will be our special guest preacher.
  • Sunday, Feb. 27th is Transfiguration Sunday, where we remember and celebrate the transfiguration of Jesus, during which his glory was revealed to his friends before he began the journey to Jerusalem and the cross.  The Rev. Geoff Chapman is our guest preacher.  Geoff served as Associate Rector under John Howe until John was elected Bishop of the Diocese of Central Florida. He then served as Interim Rector until Martyn Minns was called to be Rector. A luncheon will follow the 11:15 service, and Geoff will share what God was up to at Truro during his tenure here.
  • Wednesday, March 2nd is Ash Wednesday, as we begin our Lenten season with Ash Wednesday services.  There will be a handful of new opportunities for spiritual growth in community at Truro during Lent, so stay tuned for more info in the coming weeks.

As wonderful as these Sundays will be, the vast majority of the Christian life is lived in between Sundays.  We gather to worship, learn, and pray, only to be sent – in the power of the Holy Spirit – back to our homes and workplaces and families, where Jesus is certainly on the move.  So let us gather and worship and celebrate, even as we say “yes” to Jesus and participate in His work in between.

In Christ,

