Clergy Notes – December 9th, 2022

Dear Truro Family,

In just a few weeks, we’ll be entering into a new year together. And as usual, many of us will make some new year’s resolutions, trying our hardest not to break them within days! However, fleeting these resolutions often are, let me take this opportunity to encourage you as strongly and lovingly as I can to pray about resolving to read the Bible every day next year. This one resolution has the potential to transform your life in immeasurable ways.

Many years ago, I was discouraged by my own lack of discipline and progress in this area. One December, with the new year looming, I took some time to consider my daily schedule. I realized that, most evenings, after the kids were in bed and the house was quiet, I would routinely spend at least (!) 15 minutes brainlessly reading the news, or checking social media. I decided to experiment with daily Bible reading at the end of the day. For me, it’s worked wonderfully, and this is still my pattern.

For others, they find time at the beginning of the day. Or during a lunch break. Or at different times, depending on their schedules. The point is that we’re all different, and there’s no one “right way” or “wrong way” to do it.

But we’re all the same. We need desperately to be fed by the Word of God. We need the light, direction, wisdom, conviction, doctrine, perspective, and shaping of the Bible. We need to be fashioned by it, informed by it, and humbled by it.

So, I encourage you, if this isn’t already a part of your spiritual life or daily routine, to begin now to plan for January 1. When will you create 10 or 15 minutes to read the Bible? Think and pray about it. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you even more of a hunger for God’s Word.

Next week I’ll share some different resources, Bibles, reading plans, and other tools that can help you read through the whole Bible in one year if you’d like. It’s surprisingly easy to do.

Your brother,
