Clergy Notes – December 6th, 2024

Dear Truro family,

A few weeks ago, I shared the story of my bumbling attempt to share a Bible verse with someone who didn’t speak English. Despite the Holy Spirit clearly prompting me, I very much wanted to say “no, Lord!” and get on with my day. Eventually I obeyed the Spirit’s voice, and with the assistance of Google Translate, I shared the verse without much fanfare or (visible) response. A seed was planted, and that was it. 

I don’t share this story to brag… in fact, I share this story to say that I can relate with you! It’s uncomfortable to cross the line into spiritual territory with someone, whether you know them well or not at all. And yet, this is one of those times of the year when those kinds of opportunities abound. As Christmas approaches, and as you go about your busy days, be listening for the Holy Spirit’s voice. He may be prompting you to make the first move, even a bumbling move, to extend the good news of Jesus to someone who needs to hear it. Or perhaps to someone who’d be more open than you think to coming to church with you sometime this month.

