Clergy Notes – December 30th, 2022

Dear Truro Family,

What a year we’ve experienced as a church, as God has shown his faithfulness to us time and time again. As I think back on these last 12 months, I’m overwhelmed by how God has led us forward, drawn us together, and brought us into a new season. Praise God for his good work among us!

As we look ahead to the coming year for our church, we can be sure that God has good things in store. He has brought us to this place, he has put us in the heart of the City of Fairfax, he has given us a passion for the spread of his glory and of his gospel, and he has called us to do the work he has given us to do. And as we step into his calling upon us, he empowers us with his Holy Spirit. I can’t wait to see all that God has prepared for us!

Paul’s words from Philippians 1:6 come to mind:

“…I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

So, with that same confidence as Paul had, let me take this opportunity to wish this church a very Happy New Year.

A new year of worshipping God together. A new year of being the Body of Christ, brothers and sisters, arm in arm, walking forward together. A new year of rejoicing with one another, weeping with one another, praying for one another, and bearing one another’s burdens together. A new year of opening God’s Word together. A new year of coming to the Lord’s Table together. A new year of growing deeper in Christ together. And a new year of being sent out together.

Truro, I believe this with all my heart: the best is yet to come!

Sometime today or tomorrow, let me encourage us all to raise a glass and make a toast: A toast to a God who has shown his faithfulness to this church time and time again, and who will continue to show his faithfulness to us in the year ahead.

Cheers! And I’ll see you this Sunday.


P.S. Catherine and I would love to see you at the Newcomer’s Lunch on January 8. This is for anyone who’s still getting connected into the life of our church, or who wants to explore more about Truro. Please click this link to RSVP.

Also, you might enjoy this brief video that gives an overview (literally!) of what we’re all about at Truro. And you might want to share it too.