Clergy Notes – December 2nd, 2022

Dear Truro family,

Three quick things I’d like to share with you:

First, if you’re new to Truro, Catherine and I would love to have lunch with you next Sunday, December 11, after the 10 AM service. All you need to bring is yourself. We’ll provide the food! Please RSVP HERE.

Second, I hope you saw my email on Wednesday with a link to our special Advent and Christmas services and events. If you missed it, click HERE. At the top of that page, you’ll also find the link to make a special donation to support Christmas music and flowers, either in memory of a loved one, or in thanksgiving for God’s blessings in your life.

Third, you may have noticed that Anglican churches have a tradition of not singing Christmas carols in Advent. We save those carols for Christmas Eve and the Christmas season! This is one way we lean into the longing and waiting of Advent and lean away from the all-too-easy temptation to skip the wait.

But we do make one big giant exception to that: and it’s called by Carols by Glowstick! Next Sunday, December 11, we’ll have a lot of fun, sing a bunch of carols, wave hundreds of glowsticks, and eat a ton of cookies. Come at 5 PM, bring a chair, and bring some cookies. But even better, bring a friend who may not have a church home. This event is for them!

(And also, for those of us who secretly love singing Christmas carols in Advent.)

Your brother,
