Clergy Notes – December 29th, 2023

Dear Truro family,

I’d like to ask you to consider a special end-of-year financial offering to help us end 2023 deficit-free and to launch into 2024 on solid financial footing. But first, take a moment to look back with me on just a snapshot of our life together this past year, all enabled by your generosity. We’ve: 

  • Welcomed new members, young and old, into our church family
  • Planted Trinity Burke 
  • Brought some wonderful new staff members onboard: Preston Hansen, Nahirobi Olivas, Abigail Whitehouse, Matt Yi, and Nadiia Yurchenko
  • Enjoyed community night dinners
  • Celebrated baptisms and weddings
  • Seen our ministry to international students flourish, with 42 nations represented amongst 300 students
  • Hosted men’s, women’s, and seniors’ gatherings, breakfasts, brunches, lunches, Bible studies, and retreats
  • Filled our preschool and kindergarten almost to capacity, celebrating 45 years!
  • Gathered in community groups, with many new groups launching this past September
  • Given generously to the Lord’s work here at Truro, and over $150,000 to Trinity Burke
  • Ministered to the local community in all sorts of ways and with all sorts of food and supplies
  • Discipled, loved, and had a lot of fun (let’s not forget those foam parties) with kids and youth
  • Enjoyed a weekly feast after our 10:00 A.M. service, making connections with new and old members
  • Gone deeper in our prayer life as a church, thanks in large part to our devoted prayer ministers
  • Supported global mission partners, and celebrated some of them at quarterly missions’ dinners
  • Kicked off our quarterly “Marriage Enrichment” events
  • Continued to address some long-delayed and major campus improvement items
  • Sent mission teams off to minister to hurricane victims on the Florida coast
  • And last but not least of this snapshot, we’ve come together every Sunday as the Body of Christ to worship God, sing our hearts out, hear from his Word, and come to his table, in the power of the Holy Spirit!

The Truro congregation gave faithfully and sacrificially throughout this year to support the 2023 budget, which was a 4.5% increase over 2022’s budget. Even as we took the step of faith of sending about 60 members off to plant a church, the Lord brought new members into our midst whose giving began to fill the gap. And we’ve now received more pledges for giving in 2024 than we had received at this time last year. Praise God!

As we approach these last few days of 2023, we do have a deficit of $160,000. I ask you to consider a special financial gift to help us make up that deficit, and to begin 2024 in an excellent position. 

Your Vestry has adopted a faith-filled budget for 2024 which represents a 10% increase over 2023. Your support of the mission and vision of this church is essential to keeping our ministry strong and vibrant. 

As we build upon our foundational pillars of the Word, worship, community, and outreach, please pray with me that God continues to restore, rebuild, and raise up Truro Anglican Church to be a place that celebrates and proclaims the good news of the gospel to a community and a world who desperately needs Jesus. 

Your brother,

