Clergy Notes – December 23rd, 2022

Dear Truro Family,

“…Fear not…” (Luke 2:10)

These are the first two words that the angels said to the shepherds, on that dark night long ago. Words of peace. Words of comfort. Words of reassurance.

And these are the first words that God speaks to you. Into whatever areas of darkness, pain, sin, heartbreak, or loneliness that you’re experiencing right now. This Christmas, be reminded again that God comes down to you. He breaks through. He doesn’t expect you to climb up the ladder to get to him. He comes down the ladder to get to you.

So, fear not.

Allow Jesus to break through even more fully into your life, your home, and your heart. Let him into the dark places, the painful places, and the hidden places. Receive the best gift of all. The unmeasured grace of God in Jesus Christ.

A Merry Christmas to you and your family…Catherine and I love you all very much!
