Clergy Notes – December 22nd, 2023

Dear Truro family,

I’m looking forward to celebrating Christmas with you all! It’s the most wonderful time of year, not because of holiday sentimentality, but because of the awesome reality that God has broken through into our world, into our darkness, and into our lives in the gift of his Son Jesus.

We’ll have three fairly identical Christmas Eve services in the Sanctuary at 10:00 AM*, 4:00 PM*, and 7:00 PM, and one late-night service at 10:00 P.M. in the chapel. We’ll also have one Christmas morning service at 10:00 AM in the chapel. Our services will be full of good news of great joy, in song, Scripture, preaching, and liturgy. I encourage you to bring a friend or someone from your family with you.

O come, let us adore him: Christ the Lord!

* Nursery available