Clergy Notes – December 10, 2021

Dear Truro family,Repentance is a big theme of the Advent season. It is one of the important ways we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus and His coming again. It is also good for us! Both John the Baptist and Jesus included the same challenge: Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand!” (As I said on Sunday) I love the way Dallas Willard has put it: Reconsider your strategy for living in view of the fact that the kingdom of the heavens is now accessible to all! Reconsider. Reconsider your strategy for living. I’ve been doing that for the last few weeks, and I’d love you to join me in that practice. (You’ll get another chance in Lent.)

Sometimes it helps to have a quiet, prayed-in place to do such reflection. For that reason, the chapel will be open on Wednesday, December 15 from 9am to 5pm.

Sometimes, when we reconsider our strategy for living, when we repent, we become aware of sins or sin patterns in our lives. Anglicans have a long tradition of the Rite of Reconciliation, in which a believer confesses his or her sins to a priest and hears the words of forgiveness, of absolution. This formal repentance (you can find it in the ACNA Book of Common Prayer on p. 223)  Any of Truro’s priests would be happy to hear your confession during Advent. Email us to make an appointment.

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A Blessed Advent to you all,