Clergy Notes – August 9th, 2024

Dear Truro Family,

I love that “magnify” has two meanings. In one sense, the word means to enlarge –to make something bigger than it is by narrowing our focus. In another sense, it means to praise. I think so much of our Christian life is lived in the tension between these two meanings. We’re tempted to fixate on our problems—to focus our attention on one small issue we wish we could solve—when, in fact, God is calling us to shift our attention to him and to ask for the wisdom we need. So often we’re stuck looking down at our problems when he’s inviting us to look up at his face.

What I love about each of you is that you know how to “look up”—you know how to worship! Your bold and beautiful worship was the thing that struck me most my first Sunday at Truro two years ago, and it moves me still. At Truro, we sing—not timidly or half-heartedly – but with a genuine love for the Lord and a desire to give him praise.

So where are you looking this week? If you’re feeling stuck, sing. Put on your favorite Truro worship song (if you need a recommendation, just email me!) and belt out the truth of God’s goodness, faithfulness and love. You’ll be surprised at how it shifts your perspective and ushers in joy. 

With love,

Ps. Know the best place to sing? YOUR CAR. I really hope I catch sight of one of you this week belting-out praise.