Clergy Notes – August 18th, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

I’m overjoyed to share the news with you that Matt Yi has accepted the invitation to join us at Truro as our next Director of Outreach. In this role, Matt will help provide spiritual shepherding, pastoral care, Biblical leadership, and gospel-centered ministry to this congregation, and help guide us forward towards the goals of restoration, rebuilding, and raising up the saints for the work of ministry. Matt will focus particularly on our church’s foundational pillar of outreach, giving primary spiritual oversight to that area of ministry’s staff and volunteers, focusing on Truro’s international and local outreach.

Matt has been a pastor for over 20 years in places such as Cleveland, Chicago, New York City, and Northern Virginia. His last ministry post was as a church planter for seven years here in this area. He is husband to Stephanie and a father to Gabby, Thaddeus and Emery. He graduated with a B.A. in Religious Studies from Oberlin College and an M.Div from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He enjoys listening to people’s life stories, coaching his children’s basketball teams and rooting for the Philadelphia sports teams (please forgive him). He has had many connections to Truro over the years. All of his children attended TPK and he also met his current spiritual director through Truro’s prayer ministry. He’s excited to partner with what God is doing in and through Truro.

Please join me in praying for Matt and his family as they make the transition into our church community. I’m thrilled for you all to meet them in the coming weeks. Matt will be starting in this new role on Wednesday, August 23. May the Holy Spirit anoint Matt powerfully for his ministry among us.

Your brother,
