Clergy Notes – August 11th, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

Over the past five weeks, I’ve had the joy of leading a short story discussion group on Tuesday nights. Many of you have joined me for these conversations in Common Grounds, and I’ve been delighted by your wisdom and insights.  It’s been a gift to get to talk about these stories and poems with you and to discover, anew, the wonder and beauty of the Gospel together.

But what most surprised me about this group (and perhaps what brought me the most delight) was the sense of community that formed over the course of a few short weeks. A diverse group of men and women arrived that first Tuesday night to talk about Christian literature … and by the end, we were friends! We laughed, listened, occasionally debated and discovered more about each other’s stories and the good and faithful God we serve.

Our discussion group reminded me of why I’m so passionate about Christian community: we were not meant to walk this life of faith alone! As Ecclesiastes 4:12 tells us, “a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Though often quoted in the context of marriage, this scripture actually refers to the gift of Christian friendship. It reminds us that we are much stronger together than we are on our own.

On Sunday, September 10 we will be launching a new season of Community Groups here at Truro, and I hope you consider joining one. You’ll have an opportunity after the service to learn more about each of our groups and to sign-up for one that suits your schedule and season of life. We have groups that meet in-person and groups that meet on Zoom. Groups that are loud, boisterous and family-friendly and groups that are much quieter. We have groups that gather for weekly meals and groups that meet for early-morning Bible study. In short, we have a group that might just be perfect for you.

Over the new few weeks, I encourage you to prayerfully reflect on the question: is God inviting me to join a CG? There are lots of ways to get “plugged into” life here at Truro, but there are few better ways than by joining a community group. Consider taking a risk this fall and joining for a season. It might just be exactly what you need to grow. 

Your sister in Christ,
