Clergy Notes – April 5th, 2024

Dear Truro family,

What a wonderful Holy Week we just experienced together! Now into the month of April, I encourage you to take note of all the exciting things coming up in our life together that today’s Truro News highlights. 

Last month, I asked you to consider a special one-time financial gift, above your regular giving, to help us renew the sanctuary this summer. It’s time for our primary worship space to reflect our confidence in the vision God has given us for the future. I’m grateful to God – and to you all – for the more than $40,000 that has been raised. If you’d like to contribute towards this effort, please click here. I’d like for us to be able to do this in one fell swoop this summer, rather than spreading it out over several years.

This coming Sunday, we’ll get back into the Gospel of John together, turning our attention to chapter 5. 
