Clergy Notes – April 22, 2022

Dear Truro family,

Alleluia! The Lord is Risen!

What a delight it was to share with you last Sunday as we celebrated Jesus’s resurrection. Of course, in some ways we celebrate His resurrection every Sunday. We rehearse God’s actions and proclaim together Christ has died. Christ is Risen. Christ will come again. We remind ourselves that Jesus’ resurrection isn’t the end of the story, but the beginning of God’s new creation. And we remember that we are invited to participate with Jesus in His work of making all things new – a work that we culminate in his coming again and giving us a new earth and new bodies. But on Easter, we focus on those long-ago events that continue to shape and renew us. It is always a celebration filled with joy, and this year at Truro was no exception.

Of course, with every celebration, including this one, there is a lot of work involved. Many, many thanks to so many of you who gave your time and your skill to make this Easter beautiful and worshipful – too many to mention all by name:

  • The clergy and staff, who paid attention to innumerable details
  • The musicians who led us in rejoicing
  • The ushers and greeters; vestry members who manned the welcome tent
  • The coffee hour team who made it easy for visitors, newcomers, and oldtimers to mingle
  • The altar guild, who worked tirelessly to manage quick changes to the sanctuary through Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter
  • The flower arrangers who made our worship space so beautiful
  • The acolytes, who served each service with care
  • The lectors, who read the Scripture passages with thoughtfulness and meaning
  • The Lay Eucharistic Ministers, who served with clergy at the altar rail
  • The Prayer Team who offered personal prayer after the services
  • The enthusiastic congregation who came prepared with bells and rang them triumphantly
  • The dancers, who joyfully pointed to the risen Jesus

Thank you all for your part in making this Easter reflective of the joy we share in Christ’s resurrection.

The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!