Clergy Notes – April 21st, 2023

Dear Truro Family,

This past Wednesday, your wardens and I met with some of the folks involved in “City Centre West”, a major development project which will likely begin construction right across the street from Truro sometime in the first part of 2024. The now-empty bank and the now-abandoned (and fire damaged) falafel/kabob restaurant will be bulldozed, and a massive mixed-use building will go up in its place, with offices, retail, and condominiums. All the information is public, and if you’re interested you can find about it on the City of Fairfax website, or through the developer’s website. We also heard updates on other major plans throughout Fairfax City, all of which will begin to take shape in the next couple of years. If you take a drive anywhere in our city, you’ll see new houses and/or apartments going up all the time.

Last Sunday, I had a conversation with a young man in our congregation who is also a student at George Mason University, telling me all about what campus life is like there now, and all of the activity in the off-campus student housing, just blocks from Truro. You may have seen “The Flats” on University Drive, which just opened this past August. Full of college students who need Jesus. We’re the closest church to all of their dorms.

Friends, God has placed Truro Anglican Church right where we are for a reason. He has placed the nations and the generations at our doorstep. Let me encourage you – if you’re not already – when you take a walk through your neighborhood, or go on a run, or simply drive through town, to begin praying for God to give you his heart for some of these spots. And for God to begin to give you promptings (and boldness to follow those promptings!) about how he might want to use you as one of his ministers to the people around you. He seems to be drawing more and more people to live around us – and right across the street from us! – all the time.

Your brother,
