Clergy Notes – April 19th, 2024

Dear church family,

This past Tuesday night your vestry gathered for our monthly meeting, and as usual, our time was marked by good discussion, careful review of the health of Truro’s ministries and finances, reports from various clergy, staff, and vestry leaders, and a lot of prayer. We celebrated the ministry of outgoing members Clare O’Leary and Nancy Gordon. We installed four new members: Jeff Davidson, Tom Heitman, Eric Jensen, and Jim Osterhaus. I’m pleased to report that the vestry unanimously consented to the reappointment of Jim Osterhaus as Senior Warden, and the appointment of Mary Hudson as Junior Warden. I’m grateful for Annette Niles continuing in her role as Register, Don Foy as Treasurer, and Randy Bowen as Chancellor. As an Anglican church, Truro’s governance is vested in the members of the vestry. Praise God for raising up such prayerful, humble, and godly vestry members here at Truro!


PS: If you’re new to Truro, please join Catherine me for lunch this Sunday, April 21 at 12:00 P.M. in Common Grounds! RSVP here.