Clergy Notes – April 12th, 2024

Dear Truro family,

One of the common themes we keep seeing in the Gospel of John is the wonderful way in which Jesus knows people. Of course, Jesus was God, so he had sovereign knowledge of people. But also, Jesus was a man. He had a real interest in people. Therefore, one of the most basic but beautiful ways we can reflect Jesus is to be people that care about knowing people. Let me apply this simply to the culture of Truro, with an exhortation to us all: Let’s be intentional about knowing each other. In your pew, after a service, or in a class or community group. Take an interest in learning one another’s names, making an introduction, and walking up to that new (or not-so-new!) person and reflecting Jesus to them, by getting to know them. Little things like this can make a big difference. Jesus knew that, and so should we.
