Friday, June 18

Dear Truro Family,

With Father’s Day this Sunday, a few thoughts for this weekend on fathers – with a two-fold focus…  1. Our Earthly Fathers, and 2. Our Heavenly Father.

On Sunday we will remember our earthly fathers – those still with us, and those who’ve departed this life.  And with those memories come a variety of emotions – warm gratitude for some of us, and for others –  ambivalence, or perhaps deep disappointment.  Most fathers reading this will probably remember the times we have disappointed or hurt our own children. (But, thanks be to God, some of us can take comfort in having a second chance now in the high calling of being a GRAND-father!)

But whatever memory we may hold of having a father, or being a father, all of us can be grateful for “Our Father, Who is in Heaven.”   When our earthly fathers have fallen short, we can look up to the “Father of Light, in whose character there is change or shifting shadow” (James 1:17).   Jesus prayed to this Father – His Father –  and called by a surprising name:  “ABBA,” the intimate Aramaic and Hebrew word meaning, “Daddy, Pappa” (Mark 14:36).

And the wonder of the Gospel brings us into the same intimacy with God – as the Apostle Paul reminds us that “the Holy Spirit you received brought about your adoption as sons and daughters – and by Him, we cry, “ABBA, Father!” (Rom. 8:15).  In the tenderness of God, He wants us to know Him not only as Lord and King, but as “Abba Father – Daddy.”  It seems overstated, but it is true.

So on that note, we wish you all a very Happy Father’s Day!  And in whatever ways we can, let us give thanks to God for our earthly fathers.  And as we grasp more of God’s goodness and grace, may we lift up our heads, and hold out our hands, to call Him…. “Abba, Father.”

God’s Blessings to You All,

Your Truro Clergy

[email protected]
