
We encourage everyone at Truro to visit one of our Community Groups.

In our Community Groups we gather together to grow together to go together.

Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each week there is a video on a different question around faith that’s designed to create conversation. Questions like, who is Jesus? Or, how can we have faith?

Gathering regularly in all age and stage groups of 8–12 on Zoom and in person.

Growing a deeper friendship with Jesus and with each other

Going into our local community to serve others using our group’s unique gifts and resources.

Use this form to find a group to visit (with no commitment to join). We'll link you with the best group to meet your needs.


Being a disciple of Jesus requires our whole heart and our whole mind. Adults gather at Truro in person and online for classes and for community, helping us grow in following Jesus individually and as a church
