Clergy Notes – January 31st, 2025

Dear Truro family,

Over the next six weeks, for all who consider Truro their church family, I’d like to ask you to take seriously the following:

  1. Become a member (if you’re not already). Confused? Indifferent? Too busy? I encourage you to take the next step.
    • The process is succinctly laid out here
    • If you’d like to come to our next membership lunch, reserve Sunday, March 9 from 12:00 – 2:00 P.M. This is our crash course on the essentials of what we’re all about
    • If you’re not sure about your membership status, email Daria Brown, Director of Operations
  2. Participate in our vestry election.
    • Of our 12 vestry members, four rotate off annually, requiring four new members to be elected
    • You’ll be informed of the candidates for vestry in the Truro News next Friday, February 7
    • This year, the election will take place online between February 16 and March 2
    • You must be a member of Truro to participate in the election
    • This past week, all eligible voters in our system were sent a test email from us. If you didn’t receive that email, either check your junk folder or contact Daria Brown
  3. Save the date of our annual church family meeting.
    • Sunday, March 16 from 4:00pm – 5:30pm in the sanctuary
    • Hear updates from your wardens, treasurer, ministry directors, and clergy about where Truro has been and where we’re headed

“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it!” (1 Corinthians 12:27)
