Clergy Notes – January 24th, 2025

Dear Truro family,

One of my favorite questions to ask at our newcomer lunches is what kind of denominational backgrounds are represented in the room, amongst those who grew up in the Church. Inevitably, the answers come from all over the spectrum. I love that! For those who are new to Anglicanism, there are often some questions about how Truro is connected with the Anglican Church on a local, international, and global level. A very (!) brief explanation is:

  • Truro is a member of the Anglican Diocese (pronounced dye-uh-sis) of the Mid-Atlantic. Our diocese has about 46 worshipping communities. Our bishop is Chris Warner.
  • Our diocese is a part of the Anglican Church in North America. The ACNA is made up of 28 dioceses, each led by their own bishop. Our archbishop is Steve Wood.
  • The ACNA is part of a global Anglican family. Our connections with many godly and faithful Anglican provinces around the world are voluntary, and are primarily expressed through the ACNA’s affiliation with GAFCON (global Anglican future conference). GAFCON describes itself as “a global family of authentic Anglicans standing together to retain and restore the Bible to the heart of the Anglican Communion”.

Truro is grateful to be a part of such vibrant expressions of Anglicanism here in the states and around the world. But we’re most grateful to be a part of “one holy, catholic (i.e. universal), and apostolic Church” led by and founded upon the rock of Jesus Christ.
