Clergy Notes – January 19th, 2025

Dear Truro family,

Our search continues for a full-time worship director, as we ask the Lord to bring us his person, in his timing, and in his way. So far, his timing is slower than we imagined when we began searching over two years ago! But finding the right person for this role can’t be rushed, and we know that God is at work. 

In the meantime, we’ve been blessed to have Joshua Spacht serving as Interim Director of Worship, and Zach Sprowls as a regular guest worship leader. Joshua will soon be stepping back from his role, as his work with Disney and on various other creative projects takes up more of his time, and as he and his wife soon welcome daughter # 2. Likewise, Zach needs to step back from his role in February and March, because of various creative projects with demanding schedules and deadlines. 

I share this update for two reasons: First, to ask you to please pray for our search. Second, to give you a heads-up that during February and March we’ll welcome various guest worship leaders. I’m grateful for this congregation’s expectancy and passion for worship each Sunday. And for our amazing volunteers, instrumentalists, choir, vocalists, acolytes, ushers, readers, lay eucharistic ministers, altar guild, tech team, dancers, and more who help us celebrate and proclaim the good news of the gospel week after week.

