Intercession is a way of loving others. When we move from petition to intercession we are shifting our center of gravity from our own needs to the needs and concerns of others. Intercessory Prayer is selfless prayer, even self-giving prayer.”

Richard Foster, “Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home”


You may call our 24-hour prayer line at 703-351-8173 to leave a prayer request with our Intercessory Prayer Team. All requests are confidential, and you will only be contacted if you request a response. The team will then pray daily for you for one week.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the WEPRAY4U Prayer Team, please email Tina Price, at [email protected].

WEPRAY4U Prayer Team
24-hour hotline 703-351-8173
Email: [email protected]


Due to inclement weather, the Truro campus will be closed on Friday, January 19.

Questions? Email [email protected].